Giving and Receiving Feedback at Work

We’ll review how best to deliver clear, actionable feedback without being attached to outcomes as well as how to integrate self-evaluation with feedback from others. This workshop’s methodology is grounded in systems thinking and behavioral science. 

More Information

  • Can be delivered in a 4 or 8-hour format.

  • The description is intentionally vague since the subject of feedback is a ginormous umbrella. To be tailored based on your needs.

  • For instance: do participants prefer to spend the majority of time on self-reflection in order to dig deep into personal roadblocks to giving and or receiving feedback? Take the time to map out the root and impact of a common trigger? Perhaps touch on the differences between feedback and divergent thinking? How to incorporate the latter in organizations? The power of motivational interviewing?

  • Implementation requires 3+ hours of your time, depending on number of workshops and respective audiences.